
Showing posts with the label Bill Gates

Follow-up odds and ends: Google, Comcast and Microsoft

Well it has been a week since Google released Chrome, a week since I've tracked my Internet bandwidth usage, and 5 days since Microsoft released its ads to compete against Apple. Let's take a look and see how each are doing. =============== I wrote a little about Google's surprise announcement of their new browser Chrome last week, highlighting some of its features. One feature that intrigued me was the ability to "tear-off" a tab and turn a browser window into a pseudo application on your desktop. I did just that with my email and RSS reader -- I replaced Thunderbird with a direct window into my Gmail account and replaced the RSS reader with Google's RSS reader. I had looked and tried many RSS readers before settling on Thunderbird, but found that over the last six months that I've used it less and less. I like the Google Reader interface much better than Thunderbird and others and Chrome has made it just a little easier to access it. In addition, in th...

Bill Gates and Microsoft stories on TWiT

Just one more of many tributes to Bill Gates, TWiT (This Week in Tech) this week, episode 149 , spent significant time talking about Bill Gates and the history of Microsoft. Leo Laporte had on old time industry followers John C. Dvorak, Jerry Pournelle, and Bill Machrone. If you have any interest in personal computer history, this is a great podcast to catch. You can download it on the TWiT site or subscribe through your podcatcher.

Bill Gate's last day as an active Microsoft employee

Today ends an era of Bill Gates working at Microsoft, as he redefines his priorities moving forward. There has been a tremendous number of articles written about Bill Gates in preparation for today. I found this particular video from the BBC that I thought was very interesting as he reviews the early days of Microsoft. The BBC has also published a Bill Gates and Microsoft Timeline.

Bill Gates Highlights

With May being Bill Gates last month at Microsoft, posted an article with a chronological view of his life. Did you know that at 13, Gates was acting his shoes size? Seriously though, at 13, along with Paul Allen, Gates worked out an agreement with Computer Center Corp to report software bugs in exchange for computer time. This was after spending his schools annual budget for computer time in a matter of weeks. Here's a couple other highlights: January 1977 Gates takes a leave of absence from Harvard and establishes Microsoft in Albuquerque, New Mexico,... ... 1997 On several occasions, Gates' secretary enters the Microsoft building to find him crumpled on the floor, asleep. ... August 28, 1980 Gates signs a contract with IBM, agreeing to develop software for the PC. ... November 10, 1983 Windows debuts. ... August 1, 1989 Microsoft Office debuts. ... August 24, 1995 Microsoft introduces Internet Explorer. ... June 15, 2006 Gates announces his retirement from day-to-...