Net Neutrality: More Controversy
The Net Neutrality bills are not fairing well in congress, but states are still pushing. Anne Broache published an article today, " State governments push for Net neutrality laws ," that talks about the push by New York and California for the feds to adopt a net neutrality law. It is great to see states step up where the feds have failed us. I have been pretty worried that this would be one more thing that the average consumer was going to lose out on. seems to be following this rather closely, with a special website covering the issues, including some videos. I found an opinion piece by Cory Doctorow , published in Information Week that does a good job telling how folks will lose out if there is no protection from the bandwidth providers. This is a great quote from Cory, " It's a dumb idea to put the plumbers who laid a pipe in charge of who gets to use it." And he concludes with, "This is the start of the network neutrality fight, not the end o...