
Showing posts with the label Visio

Visio print to PDF wider than paper choices

I really struggled with this one. I had a Visio diagram (Microsoft Visio Pro 2019) that ran 50 inches by 11 inches, i.e. 3 tabloid pages strung together in landscape. The solution ended up being quite simple. I had a few things set that I don't think matter, but may be helpful to know. The Design was set to Auto Size.  In Page Setup (Design > Size > More Page Sizes), the Page Size was set to let Visio expand (add) pages as needed. With the Page Breaks on (See the View ribbon), it's easy to see where each page begins and ends as you expand pages across and down. The actual steps are as follows: Make sure you can see your entire diagram on the screen. Click File (upper-left). Click Save As from the left navigation. Click Browse from the list to the right of the navigation. This will open a Save As dialog box. Navigate to the place you want to save your file using typical Explore functions. Click the dropdown on " Save as type ." Find and sel...

Insert Clipart causing install loop problem for MS Office apps

On my work laptop, running Win7 Pro, all of my MS Office apps are all 2007 except for Visio 2003. When Visio was installed, for whatever reason the clipart was not installed. If I tried to use the clipart, it would start the install wizard, ask for a path to the install disk and eventually fail as I didn't have the disk. This is unfortunately is expected behavior. But, when I go to insert clipart from my other Office apps, they run into a problem due to Visio. It goes through the same Microsoft Office Visio 2003 install wizard, and after failing, it will open the clipart that WAS installed for 2007. I search for solutions, but never found one. This works for some install loop type problems, but not my specific case. Enter one of the following using Run... . Substitute Excel, Visio, or PowerPoint for Word as necessary: Office 2007: reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Options /v NoReReg /t REG_DWORD /d 1 Office 2003: reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\...