
Net Neutrality

I found this article by David Passmore, Net Neutrality Technical Challenges , very interesting. David does a great job in presenting the issue, some based on his own experience as a customer of Cox Cable. For those of us who use the Internet for business and pleasure, you should really care about this subject, as we could get stuck with prohibitive pricing schemes -- in particular I fear this sort of thing for people trying to start their own business, where every penny is important. David came to this conclusion for solving the problem, "A solution that strikes the right balance between these conflicting interests will likely require a mix of business, technical and legislative/ regulatory developments." Though I think he is probably right, I sure worry about any solution that requires government intervention, as they too often follow the money.


This is my second run at having my own blog, but this time I am at a different place. This morning I got tired of just posting new found sites and knowledge to and possibly sharing some comments with co-worker -- It's time to find others that share my passion. I am in the process of going through all the podcasts from SXSW , and today listened to a panel on "Bootstrapping Your Digital Convergence Business." There were several good points made, such as there are typically two (or more) people behind every bootstapped business. Examples included Apple and Oracle. And perhaps a more valuable point was that of innovation seems to occur more often when you are spend ing your own money instead of a VCs money. Taking this idea a step further, when you have VC money, you need to answer to the VC, while when it's your own money, you (should) be answer to those customers who will pay you for a product. Prior to going through the SXSW podcasts, I had listened to We