Do not update to Picasa 3

I'm very frustrated to report that Google's Picasa version 3 has been nothing but trouble. I am now on Picasa 3.1, this being at least the third version of 3.x. I first noticed with the first version 3 update that a few captions were wrong. I corrected a few, but as I looked closer, many of them were wrong -- the captions and pcitures were no longer correctly associated.

After the next update, I noticed that Picasa was slower, often hanging for a while. This also included causing screen refresh problems with my other applications that were running at the same time.

I just finished allowing another version 3 update, and I notice it seems to be re-building my library -- I now seem to recall it did this with the first version 3 update. I also noticed with pictures that I've added after the prior update also have incorrect captions on some of them -- I hadn't put captions on any of them, yet.

Update 17-Jan-09: I've re-opened Picasa, and now the thumbnails are mixed up too. Wrong thumbnails compared to the photos, and the thumbnail ratio/proportions are wrong too.

Needless to say after recommending Picasa back in March of 2007, I can no longer recommend it. Further, if you have it, but have not upgrade to version 3 -- don't. I guess it's time to find a new photo management solution. Of course this means I guess it's time to give Flickr a shot, too.


TG said…
I just updated to it a few days ago for the feature where it does the massive upload/sync thing. I have yet to notice any errors. However, I will be keeping a close eye it now. Thank you for the heads up on it :)
Cee said…
I have had nothing but problems with Picasa 3 for a few weeks. I had loved it at first - being able to type in info right onto the pics, adding borders around them for printing, etc.
Now? It's a pain in the rear. Pics have been scrambled and labels are not correct under them, it hangs up constantly - I am surprized that Google hasn't done a fix on this yet...
Christina said…
Hey C,

Have you tried rebuilding your database? When pictures are scrambled and labels are not correct this step will generally do the trick.
I have never had a single problem with Picasa. You can do a 1080p slideshows with pics, music and video clips in minutes! It connects seamlessly to youtube, facebook, and online photo huts to get prints sent to your house.
Unknown said…
Has anyone else had trouble with Picasa 3 altering the original image? I'm not talking about it altering with my edits, but actually destroying the image with what looks like a partially negative version of the image either top or bottom half. Thanks - Greg
Unknown said…
I had trouble dowmloading my photos from my camera when I was updated to Picasa 3.Then I used my laptop with Picasa 2 and had no problems.So I got rid of Picasa 3 and downloaded Picasa 2 again and am doing fine.I just had to make sure that Picasa was not updated automatically.
ever since I updated to Picasa 3 the only problem I have had is that the sharpening tool no longer works...that is sooooo annoying. Is there anyway to go back to the original version?????
Unknown said…
For Mandi (Feb.24th)

To download an older version of Picasa, go to and you can get downloads of the older versions there.

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