Add / Change / Delete Systems Properties General Tab
For most of us, we bought our XP computer from a vendor who customized the display of the Systems Properties General tab (Control Panel >> System Properties). Microsoft has made it easy to put your own custom logo and Support Information on this tab.
Go to "C:\WINDOWS\system32" and search for oeminfo.ini. Open oeminfo.ini with a text editor such as notepad to make changes. If the file does not exist on your system, you can create the file. Here's the syntax:
That's all there is to it. A great feature if you are supporting friends and family, or for your own support business.

[General]You can change to logo by replacing oemlogo.bmp located in the same folder (C:\WINDOWS\system32). The BMP file must be only 256 colors and be 96 x 96 pixels.
Manufacturer=The Company
Model=The Model
[Support Information]
Line1="Customer Care provides support"
Line2="for basic Windows XP questions."
Line3="Please refer to the Warranty and Support Guide"
Line4="for complete support information in your country."
Line5 = ""
Line6 = ""
Line7 = "In the United States, call 1-800-652-6672. "
Line8 = ""
Line9 = "Support is available 24 hours per day,"
Line10 = "7 days per week, and 365 days a year."
