Open additional mailboxes within Outlook
You may have the need to open and view more than one Outlook Inbox at the same time. Take for example an employee quitting... who's going to monitor his inbox until a replacement is hired? In my office, email support is handled through a shared email account, with designated individuals watching it at various times.
Here's how you can add additional inboxes to Outlook, so you do not have to switch back and forth between accounts:
Here's how you can add additional inboxes to Outlook, so you do not have to switch back and forth between accounts:
- Start Outlook
- Go to Tools | E-mail Accounts...
- Make sure View or change existing e-mail accounts is marked and click Next
- Make sure your Microsoft Exchange Server is highlighted and click Change
- Click More Settings...
- Click the Advanced tab
- Click Add
- Enter the name of the additional inbox you want to add. This is the same name you find in the Outlook Address Book.
- Click OK -- you may have multiple choices, if the name you gave matches more than one account. If so, select the account you want and click OK, again.
- Click OK
- Click Finish
- Your Outlook Administrator must give you premissions to the additional inbox.
- Any replies or new emails (the "from") will come from your default account. If you want to reply from the account you are watching, you need to access it through a different email program or setup multiple email profiles for Outlook. If you go with the multiple email profiles, then Outlook would prompt you each time you opened it to the profile you want to use. To switch the "from" of your email, you would need to restart Outllok and choose the other profile.
Not that I'm aware of. If so, it would be something in IT's arsenal of tools.